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Barriers to Recruitment Research 2024

The findings of the 2023-2024 'Bridging the Gap' research project, which explored barriers to recruitment, can be downloaded here

Legislation & Merit Based Recruitment 2024

Guidance on Developing Merit Based Recruitment legislation can be found here.

International Women's Day 2024

Read about the Empowerment Network of Women here.

Project Achievements & Key Findings 

A summary of the project's achievements and key findings for 2023 can be found here

A summary of the project's achievements and key findings for 2022 can be found here

The March 2020 project update can be accessed here.

Merit-based Recruitment Monitoring Framework

Ever wondered whether something is or is not merit-based recruitment?  Now you can check for sure.  The Assessment Experts from the British Embassy Senior Recruitment Project in consultation with Kosovo Civil Society Organisations have developed a Merit-Based Recruitment Monitoring Tool.

This tool is freely available and could be used by HR managers to check their own organisation’s practices; internal/external audit or bodies providing independent scrutiny or oversight.

To find out more simply click here:

Merit-based Recruitment Monitoring Framework (pdf)

Merit-based Recruitment Monitoring Framework (MS Word)

Gender Diversity & Inclusion

To celebrate International Women’s Day on 8th March 2022, we have released below guidance to help ensure gender diversity and inclusion in recruitment processes.

Assessment Articles

The project team have released a series of regular articles on the topic of assessment and selection which can be found below.  

Candidate Guidance

If you have seen an advert for a job that you would like to apply for, the guidance and advice provided below is intended to give you the very best chances of success in the selection process.


Getting the very best candidate to fulfil the job is in the interests of everyone.  It ensures the job is done the best it can be – this is an advantage to both the organisation and citizens of Kosovo.  Getting the best candidate is in the interests of all candidates – whether or not it is you – this is a mark of a fair and credible recruitment process.


This support is provided in two sections, which relate to the shortlisting stage and interview stage.  Each contains a number of practical suggestions and tips for maximizing your chances of success in the selection process. 

Data Protection Statement

The following Data Protection Statement summarises how candidates' data will be collected, processed and stored as part of the Implementation Partners' involvement in the project.

Merit Based Recruitment Resources

In early 2020, training events were held for HR Managers in Central and Municipal public institutions.  The purpose of these sessions was to extent the understanding and application of merit-based selection.  Delegates were provided with a merit-based assessment toolkit, as well as a range of resource slides introducing the methodology.  Both resources can be accessed below.

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Supported by the British Embassy Pristina

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