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Project Overview

Up to March 2024, the British Embassy in Pristina has provided technical assistance to the Government and Assembly of Kosovo in the recruitment processes for 190 senior positions in the civil service and independent institutions, to strengthen transparency, meritocracy and good governance.

Guidance for candidates can be found in the Guidance page.

Resources for recruiting organisations can be found in Guidance page.

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Memorandum of Understanding

On 17th June 2021, a fourth memorandum of understanding was signed between The Government of Kosovo and The Government of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, represented by the British Embassy.


The purpose of this memorandum of understanding is to support joint efforts in ensuring that strong, independent and professional heads of institutions and public bodies are appointed through a fair and transparent recruitment process.  This project aims to assist the Kosovo institutions in recruiting an agreed list of senior positions.

The Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Kosovo can be downloaded in Albanian, Serbian and English.

Appendix A

Appendix B

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Approach Used

In the first phase, a new, competency-based, senior-level selection process was designed and adopted for all recruitments that the British project experts monitored.


The process draws on international experience but is based fully within the Kosovar legal framework. It includes:

  • a training package and guide for members of recruitment commissions;

  • a written procedure and forms to ensure a standard approach in each recruitment process;

  • a written guide for candidates on the competency-based approach, and how to prepare for the interview.


The process aims to ensure that each candidate is interviewed in exactly the same way, and that evidence is obtained and recorded of the examples of their past experience and behaviours, as well as future potential to perform effectively in a challenging senior management position.  An objective process of assessment and scoring is carried out by the Commission. The British experts carry out the same process in parallel, as a means of monitoring the Commissions’ conclusions. The Commission reports its conclusions to the relevant Minister, whereas the project experts submit an independent report to the British Embassy for communication to the Prime Minister and Speaker.  The Kosovo Government ultimately retain responsibility for all appointments.


The project team includes seven recruitment specialists: qualified work psychologists; senior HR professionals; and public administration experts; all with international experience as well as in Kosovo and the wider Balkans region.  The project is implemented by BDO LLP, with support from Talogy.


Now that the competency-based process is generally accepted and better understood, a key aim of Phases 2 and 3 is to work with Kosovo partners to adopt the methodology deeper and more widely in public institutions.  Phase 3 also includes a range of development and monitoring activities to support merit based recruitment.

Specifically, we assist each selection process in the following ways: 

  • Collaborating with the recruiting organisation & secretariat in scoping the advertisement and job requirements.

  • Providing training and briefing for Commissions and Secretariats involved in the selection processes.

  • Providing guidance and materials to support the selection administrative processes.

  • Independently screening all applications at shortlisting stage.  Outcomes are compared to those found by the Commission, and any discrepancies found are discussed and addressed.

  • Supporting the Commission in the design of the selection interviews and exercises.

  • Provision and administration of psychometric tests.

  • Independently scoring the performance of all candidates at the interview stage, and monitoring the scoring of Commission members.

  • Reporting all outcomes to the British Embassy, including scores for both the Commission and Implementation Partners.  The Implementation Partner will also comment on the suitability for appointment of the top three performing candidates.  These observations are based upon the team members’ extensive experience of conducting senior and executive in an international context.                                             

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Supported by the British Embassy Pristina

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