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Outcomes of Completed Processes - 2020

This page lists the results of completed processes for 2020.  The scores are published at the request of the British Embassy, in line with the Memorandum of Understanding.  The purpose of the publication is to improve the transparency of selection processes for senior public officials, and has been progressed after consultation with the Kosovo National Agency for the Protection of Personal Data.

For each process, the dates of interviews are shown, along with the names and implementation partner scores for the candidates considered appointable 

by the Implementation Partners.

At the final interview stage of each process, all candidates completed a structured competency-based interview, presentation and psychometric test. 

The maximum number of available points does vary between processes, depending on the format of the specific assessment. The maximum available score for each process is shown below.

Commission members and the Implementation Partners score candidates independently of one another.  The scores awarded by each assessor are averaged (separately for Commission and Implementation Partners) to produce two sets of final candidate scores (one set each for Commission and Implementation Partners).

For each process, the Commission will submit a list of recommended candidates, along with scores, to the appropriate bodies as outlined in the relevant regulations.  

For each process, the Implementation Partners will submit a confidential report for the British Embassy.  This report includes both their own and the Commission's scores, along with any observations about candidate performance in the selection process.  These reports are shared with both the Prime Minister and Speaker, in line with the Memorandum of Understanding.  For Municipal Publicly Owned Enterprises, the confidential reports are shared with the relevant Mayor.

The scores shown below are those awarded by the Implementation Partners only.

Candidate identity is anonymised (e.g. Candidate 1) where this has been explicitly requested by the candidate.

Only the highest performing candidates are listed here.  Other candidates may have been assessed within the process, but will have been awarded lower scores by the Implementation Partners than those shown here.

The scores and conclusions highlighted here apply only to the specific selection process described.  Inference should not be drawn about suitability or competence of individuals to perform in another role.

The scores and conclusions are based on the performance of the candidate within this specific selection process.

ICMM Board Members



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 30

Ibrahim Krasniqi                  23.0

Kreshnik Rugova                 23.0

Skender Sallahu                  22.5

Ibush Luzha                         22.5

Bujar Hasimi                        21.0

Bekim Troni                          20.5

Festim Kutllovci                   20.0

Xhavit Raci                          19.5

Sali Mulaj                             18.0

Burim Fetaj                          17.5

Bali Thaqi                            17.5                           17.5

Commission Members:

Lulzim Ejupi (Chair)

Edi Gusija

Izedin Bytyqi

Bekim N. Hoxha

ERO Board Chair



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 40

1 Bekim Jakupi   27.0


2 Luan Morina    25.0

Commission Members:

Fatos Qerimi (Chair)

Izedin Bytyqi

Drin Haraçia

Arsim Kuliqi

Sylejman Daka

Members of the Independent Oversight Board for the Civil Service



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 30

1 Jeton Koca   22.0


2 Lulzim Aliaj   21.5


3 Zyle Gojnovci  19.5


4 Vjollca Kurtishaj  19.5


5 Ardita Haxhnikaj-Demi  19.0


6 Vlora Kryeziu-Syla  18.5


7 Arben Mehmeti   18.0


8 Faruk Rexhaj   18.0


9 Eshref Shabani   17.0

Commission Members:

Valdete Idrizi (Chair)

Rasim Selmanaj

Valon Ramadani

Salih Zyba

Alban Hyseni

Valentina Bunjaku-Rexhepi

Rrezarta Krasniqi

Mërgim Lushtaku

Albert Kinolli

Commissioner of Information & Privacy Agency



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 40

Krenare Sogojeva-Dermaku    27.0

Bujar Sadiku                            24.5

Commission Members:

Fatmire Kollçaku (Chair)

Bekë Berisha (Deputy Chair)

Ganimete Musliu (Member)

Ilir Tasholli (Member)

Rasim Demiri (Member)

Pristina Housing Enterprise CEO



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 45

Hajdar Hoxhaj             26.0

Commission Members:

Lendita Myderrizi (Head of Board)

Xhevdet Leci (Board Member)

Arbnora Jashanica (Board Member)

​Bekim Pireva (Board Member)

BE Pristina crest.jpg

Supported by the British Embassy Pristina

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